Example queries for RVO ontology:

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Explore Links Between Variables

Explore Links Between Variables
# Questions SPARQL
G1.1 What are the variables which are linked to a certain variable V1? SELECT DISTINCT ?v1Label ?v2Lable
WHERE { ?variable rdf:type analytics:LinkedVariables.
?variable analytics:firstVariable ?v1.
?v1 rdfs:label ?v1Label.
?variable analytics:secondVariable ?v2.
?v2 rdfs:label ?v2Lable. }
G1.2 What are the variables which have a causal impact in V1? SELECT DISTINCT ?causeVar ?effectVar
WHERE { ?variable rdf:type analytics:LinkedVariables.
?variable analytics:firstVariable ?v1.
?v1 rdfs:label ?effectVar.
?variable analytics:secondVariable ?v2.
?v2 rdfs:label ?causeVar.
?variable analytics:linkType analytics:Causal. }
G1.3 What type of links exist between two variables?
What are the possibilities for links between two variables?
WHERE { ?linkType rdfs:subClassOf analytics:LinkType. }
G1.4 What is the origin of the links between two variables? SELECT DISTINCT ?v1Lable ?v2Lable ?origin
WHERE { ?variable rdf:type analytics:LinkedVariables.
?variable analytics:firstVariable ?v1.
?v1 rdfs:label ?v1Lable.
?variable analytics:secondVariable ?v2.
?v2 rdfs:label ?v2Lable.
?variable analytics:origin ?origin. }
G1.5 What are the variables which are hypothetically linked to variables V1? SELECT DISTINCT ?causeVar ?effectVar
WHERE { ?variable rdf:type analytics:LinkedVariables.
?variable analytics:firstVariable ?v1.
?v1 rdfs:label ?effectVar.
?variable analytics:secondVariable ?v2.
?v2 rdfs:label ?causeVar.
?variable analytics:linkType analytics:InvestigativeCausal. }
G1.6 Who is the author of the academic reference which establishes a causal link between V1 and V2? SELECT DISTINCT ?causeVar ?effectVar ?paperTitle ?author ?firstName ?lastName
WHERE { ?variable rdf:type analytics:LinkedVariables.
?variable analytics:firstVariable ?v1.
?v1 rdfs:label ?effectVar.
?variable analytics:secondVariable ?v2.
?v2 rdfs:label ?causeVar.
?variable analytics:origin ?origin.
?origin analytics:referenceOfOrigin ?ref.
?ref rdf:type fabio:ResearchPaper.
?ref frbr:realization ?expression.
?expression dcterms:title ?paperTitle.
?ref dcterms:creator ?author.
?author foaf:givenName ?firstName.
?author foaf:familyName ?lastName. }
G1.7 What is the statitical learning model which links between variable V1 and V2? SELECT DISTINCT ?causeVar ?effectVar ?modelName
WHERE { ?variable rdf:type analytics:LinkedVariables.
?variable analytics:firstVariable ?v1.
?v1 rdfs:label ?effectVar.
?variable analytics:secondVariable ?v2.
?v2 rdfs:label ?causeVar.
?variable analytics:origin ?origin.
?origin analytics:referenceOfOrigin ?ref.
?ref rdf:type analytics:StatisticalModel.
?ref rdfs:label ?modelName }
G1.8 What is the formula (mathematical model) which link between variable V1 and V2? SELECT DISTINCT ?causeVar ?effectVar ?modelName
WHERE { ?variable rdf:type analytics:LinkedVariables.
?variable analytics:firstVariable ?v1.
?v1 rdfs:label ?effectVar.
?variable analytics:secondVariable ?v2.
?v2 rdfs:label ?causeVar.
?variable analytics:origin ?origin.
?origin analytics:referenceOfOrigin ?ref.
?ref rdf:type analytics:MathematicalModel.
?ref rdfs:label ?modelName }
G1.9 Who are the people who established the link between V1 and V2? SELECT DISTINCT ?causeVar ?effectVar ?expertName
WHERE { ?variable rdf:type analytics:LinkedVariables.
?variable analytics:firstVariable ?v1.
?v1 rdfs:label ?effectVar.
?variable analytics:secondVariable ?v2.
?v2 rdfs:label ?causeVar.
?variable analytics:origin ?origin.
?origin analytics:referenceOfOrigin ?ref.
?ref rdf:type foaf:Person.
?ref rdfs:label ?expertName }
G1.10 What is the value of the coefficeint in the causal relationship between V1 and V2? SELECT DISTINCT ?causeVar ?effectVar ?coefficient
WHERE { ?variable rdf:type analytics:LinkedVariables.
?variable analytics:firstVariable ?v1.
?v1 rdfs:label ?effectVar.
?variable analytics:secondVariable ?v2.
?v2 rdfs:label ?causeVar.
?variable analytics:linkType analytics:Causal.
?variable analytics:coefficients ?coefficient }
G1.11 What is (are) the measure(s) for a certain variable? SELECT DISTINCT ?varLable ?measureLabel
WHERE { ?variable rdf:type analytics:Variable.
?variable rdfs:label ?varLable.
?variable analytics:measuredBy ?measure.
?measure rdfs:label ?measureLabel }

Explore Links Between Variable and Measure

Explore Links Between Variable and Measure
# Questions SPARQL
G2.1 Which dataset contains the measure for a certain variables? SELECT DISTINCT ?variable ?measure ?dataset
WHERE { ?variable rdf:type analytics:Variable.
?variable analytics:measuredBy ?measure.
?dataStructure analytics:containMeasure ?measure.
?dataset qb:structure ?dataStructure.
?dataset rdf:type qb:Dataset. }
G2.2 What is the reference (person/paper) which created a certain dataset? SELECT DISTINCT ?dataset ?paperTitle ?firstName ?lastName
WHERE { ?dataset rdf:type analytics:Dataset.
?variable analytics:origin ?origin.
?origin analytics:referenceOfOrigin ?ref.
OPTIONAL{ ?ref rdf:type fabio:ResearchPaper.
?ref frbr:realization ?expression.
?expression dcterms:title ?paperTitle.}
OPTIONAL{ ?ref rdf:type foaf:Person.
?ref foaf:givenName ?firstName.
?ref foaf:familyName ?lastName.}
G2.3 What type of links exist between two variables?
What are the possibilities for links between two variables?
WHERE { ?linkType rdfs:subClassOf analytics:LinkType. }

Explore Concepts

Explore Concepts
# Questions SPARQL
G3.1 Whats is (are) the concepts (s) which a certain variable represents? SELECT DISTINCT ?concept ?variable
WHERE { ?var rdf:type analytics:Variable.
?var rdfs:label ?variable.
?var analytics:operationalize ?concept. }
G3.2 What is the meaning for a certain concepts linked to a variable? SELECT DISTINCT ?variable ?concept ?description
WHERE { ?var rdf:type analytics:Variable.
?var rdfs:label ?variable.
?var analytics:operationalize ?concept.
?concept rdfs:comment ?description. }
G3.3 Which reference has created a certain variable as the metric for concept C1?
What are the possibilities for links between two variables?
SELECT DISTINCT ?concept ?variable ?paperTitle
WHERE { ?var rdf:type analytics:Variable.
?var rdfs:label ?variable.
?var analytics:operationalize ?concept.
?var analytics:origin ?origin.
?origin analytics:referenceOfOrigin ?ref.
?ref rdf:type fabio:ResearchPaper.
?ref frbr:realization ?expression.
?expression dcterms:title ?paperTitle. }

Domain Specific SPARQL Queries

Domain Specific SPARQL Queries
# Questions SPARQL
G4.1 What are the variables related to housing? SELECT DISTINCT ?var ?label
WHERE { ?var rdf:type analytics:Variable.
?var rdfs:label ?label.
?var analytics:operationalize dbpedia:Housing.
G4.2 What are the variables which influence "House Price"? SELECT DISTINCT ?v2 ?v2Lable
WHERE { ?variable rdf:type analytics:LinkedVariables.
?variable analytics:linkType analytics:Causal.
?variable analytics:firstVariable ?v1.
?v1 rdfs:label "House Price"^^rdfs:Literal.
?variable analytics:secondVariable ?v2.
?v2 rdfs:label ?v2Lable.
G4.3 Does Unemployment Rate affect house price? SELECT DISTINCT ?variable
WHERE { ?variable rdf:type analytics:LinkedVariables.
?variable analytics:firstVariable ?v1.
?v1 rdfs:label "House Price"^^rdfs:Literal.
?variable analytics:secondVariable ?v2.
?v2 rdfs:label "Unemplyment Rate"^^rdfs:Literal.
G4.4 Is there a relationship between Age Cohort and House Price? ASK{
?v1 rdf:type analytics:Variable.
?v1 rdfs:label "House Price"^^rdfs:Literal.

?v2 rdf:type analytics:Variable.
?v2 rdfs:label "Unemplyment Rate"^^rdfs:Literal.

?variable rdf:type analytics:LinkedVariables.
{?variable analytics:firstVariable ?v1.
?variable analytics:secondVariable ?v2.}
{?variable analytics:firstVariable ?v2.
?variable analytics:secondVariable ?v1.}
G4.5 What is the title of the paper that define link between housing demand and house price? SELECT DISTINCT ?paperTitle
WHERE { ?variable rdf:type analytics:LinkedVariables.
?variable analytics:firstVariable ?v1.
?variable analytics:secondVariable ?v2.
?v1 rdfs:label "House Price"^^rdfs:Literal.
?v2 rdfs:label "Housing Demand"^^rdfs:Literal.}
?v1 rdfs:label "Housing Demand"^^rdfs:Literal.
?v2 rdfs:label "House Price"^^rdfs:Literal.}
?variable analytics:origin ?origin.
?origin analytics:referenceOfOrigin ?ref.
?ref frbr:realization ?details.
?details dcterms:title ?paperTitle
G4.6 What are the measure used for house price variable? SELECT DISTINCT ?measure ?label
WHERE { ?var rdfs:label "House Price"^^rdfs:Literal.
?var rdf:type analytics:Variable.
?var ?measuredBy ?measure.
?measure rdfs:label ?label.
G4.7 Who are the researchers who conducted study “The Baby Boom, The Baby Bust, and the Housing Market” ? SELECT DISTINCT ?author ?firstName ?lastName
WHERE { ?ref rdf:type fabio:ResearchPaper.
?ref frbr:realization ?details.
?details dcterms:title "The Baby Boom, The Baby Bust, and the Housing Market".
?ref dcterms:creator ?author.
OPTIONAL {?author foaf:givenName ?firstName.}
OPTIONAL {?author foaf:familyName ?lastName.}